
Gas Production Capacity to Hit 1.5 bcm/d in Six Years

Gas Production Capacity to Hit 1.5 bcm/d in Six Years
Gas Production Capacity to Hit 1.5 bcm/d in Six Years

Projects are underway to increase Iran’s gas production by 50% until 2028, the managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company said.
“With the implementation of these projects, the country's gas production capacity will increase from the current 1 billion cubic meters per day to 1.5 bcm per day in six years,” Mohsen Khojastehmehr was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news service.
During a visit to Aghar, Dalan and Dey fields, as well as Farashband Gas Refinery in Fars Province on Monday, the official said one-third of the country's gas reserves are in Fars and under the management of the Iranian Central Oil Fields Company.


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