
Domestic Firms Tasked With Developing Iran’s Second Largest Gas Field

In addition to producing 11,000 barrels of gas condensates per day, the project to develop Kish Gas Field will produce 28 mcm of sour gas on a daily basis in 14 months
Domestic Firms Tasked With Developing Iran’s Second Largest Gas Field
Domestic Firms Tasked With Developing Iran’s Second Largest Gas Field

Pars Oil and Gas Company, a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company, signed a $900m contract Saturday with domestic company Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company to develop Kish Gas Field, the second largest in the Persian Gulf after South Pars.
In addition to producing 11,000 barrels of gas condensates, the project will produce 28 million cubic meters per day of sour gas in 14 months, the Oil Ministry news service Shana reported.
The project entails laying a 32-inch 200-kilometer subsea pipeline from Kish Island in Hormozgan Province to onshore refineries in Asalouyeh in Bushehr Province. Moreover, 14 wells will be drilled on the site of the project.


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