
Bandar Abbas Refinery Increases Output Capacity 

There is a project underway at Bandar Abbas Refining Complex to further raise the production capacity by converting mazut into higher value-added products
Bandar Abbas Refinery Increases Output Capacity 
Bandar Abbas Refinery Increases Output Capacity 

Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery in Hormozgan Province has increased its output capacity by 51% in recent years, the managing director of the refinery said.
“The capacity of the refinery in Bandar Abbas County has increased from 232,000 barrels per day in previous years to 352,000 bpd now,” Hashem Namvar was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
“There is a project underway at the refining complex to further raise the production capacity by converting mazut into higher value-added products, including sponge coke that is the typical grade of petroleum coke used in steel production,” he added.
The initiative is being carried out with the help of the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry that has localized the technical knowledge of petcoke production for the first time in Iran, he noted.


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