
Gas Consumption Hit 700 mcm/d

As the cold weather has swept across most parts of Iran, the temperature has fallen below zero in more than 460 cities in 27 provinces of the country, causing gas consumption to rise
Gas Consumption Hit 700 mcm/d
Gas Consumption Hit 700 mcm/d

Gas consumption in the commercial and household sectors reached 700 million cubic meters per day on Jan. 12, the managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company said.
“The high consumption shows an increase of 150 mcm per day compared with the same period of last year,” Majid Chegeni was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news service Shana.
“As the cold weather has swept across most parts of Iran, we are witnessing a drop in temperature in many regions. Less than two weeks into the winter, the temperature has reached minus 28 degrees Celsius in the northwestern and northeastern provinces, which has been unprecedented in the last 10 years,” he added.


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