
Provincial DG Systems to Expand 

Provincial DG Systems to Expand 
Provincial DG Systems to Expand 

The current production capacity of small-scale power plants with distributed generation systems in Tehran, Alborz and Qom provinces is 270 megawatts and plans are underway to increase the capacity to 1,000 MW, said the project manager of distributed generation systems at Tehran Regional Electric Company that manages power generation in the three provinces.
“Small-scale power plants have many benefits, the most important of which is helping maintain the stability of the power grid in the summer. They also play a key role in reducing environmental pollution, decreasing network losses and increasing energy efficiency,” the Energy Ministry’s news portal also quoted Razmara Zakerifar as saying.
"Currently, a number of complexes in the private sector not only produce their own electricity through small-scale power plants, but also earn money by selling the excess electricity to the national grid,” he added.


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