
Treated Wastewater to Meet 25% of Mashhad Water Needs

Treated Wastewater to Meet 25% of Mashhad Water Needs
Treated Wastewater to Meet 25% of Mashhad Water Needs

Continuous drought in recent years has caused serious challenges regarding water supply to Mashhad, the capital city of Khorasan Razavi Province, because of which about 25% of the city’s water needs are expected to be provided by treated wastewater in the next 20 years, managing director of Mashhad Water and Wastewater Company said.
“About 82% of the metropolis are connected to the wastewater collection network plan. Mashhad is one of the pioneers in using treated wastewater, as the city used it in the agricultural sector about 15 years ago,” Hossein Esmaeilian was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal.
According to the official, projects with a total investment of $150 million are underway by the private sector, including the construction of wastewater treatment plants and expansion of the sewer network.


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