
Separating Drinking Water Pipes From Non-Potable Ones Unfeasible

Separating Drinking Water Pipes From Non-Potable Ones Unfeasible
Separating Drinking Water Pipes From Non-Potable Ones Unfeasible

The separation of drinking water pipes from treated non-potable ones is not economically viable in large cities like Tehran, the head of the state-owned Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company (Abfa) said.
“Such a project requires laying at least 9,000 kilometers of new pipelines that is neither plausible nor economical,” Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
The official declared that Abfa has no plans to separate drinking water pipes from non-potable ones, adding that reclaiming surface and groundwater resources in the capital city is more viable than establishing a new network to distribute treated and non-treated water.


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