
Ilam Petrochem Plant to Use ZLD System for Treating Wastewater

Ilam Petrochem Plant to Use ZLD System for Treating Wastewater
Ilam Petrochem Plant to Use ZLD System for Treating Wastewater

The saline wastewater treatment plant of Ilam Petrochemical Complex in Ilam Province, which uses the zero-liquid discharge system, was launched on Sunday.
“The most advanced chemical wastewater treatment plant in the country has been constructed by domestic experts to help preserve the environment and recover 100% of the waste produced from petrochemical processes in Ilam Petrochemical Company,” the managing director of the company said at the inauguration ceremony.
“Completed in 26 months at a cost of $6.8 million, the plant has a capacity to treat 35.5 cubic meters of wastewater per hour,” Seyyed Gholamhassan Garshasbi was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news service.


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