
Tehran Refinery Signs Deals With Academia, Local Firms 

Tehran Refinery Signs Deals With Academia, Local Firms 
Tehran Refinery Signs Deals With Academia, Local Firms 

Tehran Oil Refining Company has signed four memoranda of understanding to use the expertise of local universities and knowledge-based firms to handle some of its technical works, the head of the refinery's Board of Directors said.
“The MoUs seek to use the technological and innovative services and products of domestic companies to de-sludge oil tanks, complete sulfur value chain and install gas analyzers on smokestacks,” Mohammad Khazaei was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news portal.
Giving a breakdown, he noted that the first agreement was signed on Saturday between the refining company and Islamic Azad University, based on which the latter is obliged to build a robot to clean up all types of sediments and sludge in the oil tanks of Tehran Refinery.


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