
Gasoline Consumption Level Unacceptable 

Gasoline Consumption Level Unacceptable 
Gasoline Consumption Level Unacceptable 

The average daily gasoline consumption in Iran has reached 103 million liters, which is an unacceptable figure, the head of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company, said.
“The volume of gasoline consumption in the country is at a critical level, as the refineries can produce at most 105 million liters of gasoline per day,” Ali Akbar Nejad-Ali was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
“Every year during fall, the amount of gasoline consumption decreased. However, this year, while the daily gasoline consumption in the summer was nearly 101 million liters, the figure not only declined in the months of fall, but also rose. At certain periods, the figure even reached as high as 105 million liters per day, which is the maximum production capacity in the country,” he added.
According to the official, in 2019, the country's daily gasoline consumption was 72 million liters. 


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