
Tavanir to Replace 34,000 Km of Copper Cables With Aerial Bundled Conductors

Tavanir to Replace 34,000 Km of Copper Cables With Aerial Bundled Conductors
Tavanir to Replace 34,000 Km of Copper Cables With Aerial Bundled Conductors

Iran Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) plans to replace 34,000 kilometers of copper cables in the electricity distribution network with aerial bundled conductors, the head of the company said.
“So far, 5,000 km of cables have been converted and the figure is expected to reach 10,000 km by the end of the current Iranian year [March 2023],” Arash Kordi was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
As the distribution networks are more than 25 years old, their replacement has been placed on the agenda, he added.


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