
Tehran Refinery, ACECR Enter Deal for Desludging Oil Tanks

Tehran Refinery, ACECR Enter Deal for Desludging Oil Tanks
Tehran Refinery, ACECR Enter Deal for Desludging Oil Tanks

Tehran Oil Refining Company has signed a memorandum of understanding to use the expertise of the Research Institute of Applied Sciences at Shahid Beheshti University’s Academic Center of Education, Culture and Research for desludging oil tanks.
The MoU seeks to use the technological and innovative services and products of ACECR to clean up all types of sediments and sludge in the oil tanks of Tehran Refinery, the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana reported.
Based on the agreement, the research institute of the Shahid Beheshti University branch of ACECR will use a bacterial powder under the trade name of Bioremer, to remove oil pollution and sludge in the refinery. It will also cooperate with Tehran Refinery for holding specialized training courses and workshops regarding the desludging of oil tanks.


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