
Nat’l Grid Power Loss Declining

Nat’l Grid Power Loss Declining
Nat’l Grid Power Loss Declining

The Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) has reduced power loss in Iran’s distribution and transmission network by renovating aging equipment, electric cables, utility posts and electric meters, as well as fighting illegal use (theft), the head of the state-run firm said.
"Power wastage in the national electricity grid declined from 16% to 9.8% between 2014 and 2021, which is acceptable, considering the vast coverage of the power grid," Arash Kordi was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven on Tuesday. 
It would be ideal to reduce this rate to 8.5%, for which serious measures are being taken, he added, stressing that reducing wastage is on the agenda of the Energy Ministry and Tavanir.


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