
Iranian, Russian Firms to Build Tabesh Oil Pipeline 

A 948-kilometer pipeline will be laid from Rafsanjan in Kerman Province to Mashhad in Khorasan Razavi Province to transfer 150,000 barrels per day of oil products
Iranian, Russian Firms to Build Tabesh Oil Pipeline 
Iranian, Russian Firms to Build Tabesh Oil Pipeline 

Sina Energy Gostar Holding is planning to build a pipeline for the transfer of petroleum products with the help of a Russian company, managing director of the holding said.
“According to a cooperation document signed recently between the holding and the Russian state-run company Promsyrieimpor at the 16th Iran-Russia Economic Commission in Moscow, the Rafsanjan-Mashhad oil products pipeline, known as Tabesh, is to be constructed by the two companies,” the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana quoted Mohammad Ziyar as saying.
“The project involves the construction of a 948-kilometer pipeline from Rafsanjan in the southeastern Kerman Province to Mashhad in Khorasan Razavi Province in the northeast, along with two pumping stations and three terminals. It will be carried out in cooperation with the two Iranian and Russian firms,” he added.


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