
Over 7 bcm of Gas Exported to Turkey in Nine Months

Over 7 bcm of Gas Exported to Turkey in Nine Months
Over 7 bcm of Gas Exported to Turkey in Nine Months

Iran exported more than 7 billion cubic meters of gas to Turkey in the past nine months.
According to a report by Eurostat, the EU news commission, Iran’s natural gas exports to Turkey in the first nine months of 2022 reached 7.08 bcm, IRNA reported.
The figure is slightly less than the export volume during the same period of last year, when 7.390 billion bcm of gas were sold to the neighboring country.
Recently a meeting was held between the representatives of the National Iranian Gas Company and those of BOTAS, the Turkish state-owned crude oil and natural gas pipeline and trading company, where they decided to increase Iran’s gas exports to Turkey, the head of the NIGC Dispatching Department said.


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