
Qeshm Rural Desalination Project Gains Momentum

Qeshm Rural Desalination Project Gains Momentum
Qeshm Rural Desalination Project Gains Momentum

To improve water supply to rural areas, construction work has begun to build a desalination facility in Torgan District on Qeshm Island, Hormozgan Province, the head of the provincial Water and Wastewater Company said.
“With a capacity of 5,000 cubic meters per day, the facility will be completed in nine months by the private sector group Tana Energy,” the Energy Ministry’s news portal Pavenalso quoted Abdolhamid Hamzehpour as saying. 
The new plant, estimated to cost $10 million, is expected to supply 23,000 people in the rural district with tap water, he added.
The official noted that the construction of the new plant as well as two other facilities (Salakh and Basaeed on Qeshm Island), will increase desalination capacity in the region by 12,000 cubic meters of seawater per day that would be enough to supply 42,000 people with potable water.


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