
Water Supply Cuts Loom for Heavy Consumers of Tehran

Although heavy consumers account for 5% of total subscribers in Tehran, they have used close to 10% of the total water supplied (32 billion liters) in the last six months 
Water Supply Cuts Loom for Heavy Consumers of Tehran
Water Supply Cuts Loom for Heavy Consumers of Tehran

Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company (Abfa) will cut water supply to high-consuming subscribers as of Oct. 12, the deputy head of Public Relations Office at the provincial company said.
“Maximum consumption level for households in the province is 28,000 liters per month and those who exceed the limit will face immediate supply cuts,” Rasoul Baqeri was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news service Paven.
Although heavy consumers account for 5% of total subscribers in Tehran, they have used close to 10% of the total water supplied [32 billion liters] in the last six months, he added.


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