
Fanavaran Petrochemical Company to Complete Methanol Value Chain

Fanavaran Petrochemical Company to Complete Methanol Value Chain
Fanavaran Petrochemical Company to Complete Methanol Value Chain

The implementation of the petro-olefin project of Fanavaran Petrochemical Company in Khuzestan Province has started, managing director of the company said.
“Petro-Olefin Fanavaran Company, whose construction has started after the completion of the feasibility studies, will have an annual production capacity of 1.65 million tons,” Mohammad Javad Badri was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
Located in Mahshahr Special Economic Zone, the plant’s completion will help prevent the sale of raw materials. It will use natural gas as feedstock to produce methanol and then turn it into 280,000 tons of linear light and heavy polyethylene and 450,000 tons of polypropylene annually, along with other products, he added.


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