
Treated Wastewater Share in Agriculture Sector Meager

Approximately 4.5 billion cubic meters of sewage are produced in Iran per annum, of which as little as 15% are reclaimed
Treated Wastewater Share in Agriculture Sector Meager
Treated Wastewater Share in Agriculture Sector Meager

Close to 250 wastewater treatment plants are currently operational across Iran, which recycle about 700 million cubic meters of effluent per year, the head of Data and Information Department at Iran Water Resources Management Company said.
“Of the total processing output, 45% or 320 mcm are used in the agro sector annually,” Firouz Qasemzadeh was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal.
Approximately 4.5 billion cubic meters of sewage are produced in Iran per annum, of which as little as 15% are reclaimed in 250 treatment facilities, he added.



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