
Kerman Groundwater Extraction 60% Above Global Standards

Kerman Groundwater Extraction 60% Above Global Standards
Kerman Groundwater Extraction 60% Above Global Standards

Each year, a massive 6 billion cubic meters of water are withdrawn from the drought-stricken Kerman Province’s aquifers, which is 60% over and above global standards, a deputy manager at the provincial water company said.
“Of the total extraction, 95%, 2% and 3% are respectively used by the agro sector, industries and households,” Mohsen Asadi was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
Annual water deficit from ground sources has reached 1 billion cubic meters, resulting in land subsidence and poor quality water, he added.
The official noted that the salinity of water resources in the arid province is on the rise due to overextraction from diminishing ground aquifers, taking a heavy toll on the agro sector. 


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