
Reduction of Snowfall Exacerbating Groundwater Resources 

Reduction of Snowfall Exacerbating Groundwater Resources 
Reduction of Snowfall Exacerbating Groundwater Resources 

Reduction of snowfall in Iran has exacerbated the critical condition of dwindling groundwater resources, said the head of the Water Affairs Faculty at Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz, Khuzestan Province.
“Even if rainfall doubles in the country, the appalling situation of groundwater tables will not improve, which means provinces like Hamedan and West Azarbaijan will face serious water shortage sooner rather than later,” Mehdi Qomshi was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
Western provinces received heavy snowfall between January and March, but are experiencing a change in their climate, he added, noting that because they have not adapted themselves to the new pattern yet, the new situation is very likely to put them into trouble.


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