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12th Iran Int’l Renewable Energy Exhibit Scheduled

The 12th Iran International Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition is scheduled to open on Sept. 12 at the Tehran International Fairground.

A total of 97 domestic and foreign companies, including those from Spain, Germany, Canada, the UAE, Austria and China, are expected to display innovative products and technologies related to green energy in the event that will run until Sep. 15, the Energy Ministry’s news portal reported on Friday.

The last fair dates back to 2019 before the global outbreak of Covid-19 virus.

The four-day exhibition will focus on new products and technical, engineering and export services, as well as knowledge-based companies.

According to the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (Satba), the fair seeks to provide a basis for the flourishing of the domestic renewables market and facilitate the global marketing process and help promote the industry in international markets.

Ahmadreza Tavakkoli, the head of Legal Affairs Office at the state-run Satba, noted that effective measures have been adopted to expand the renewable sector, develop eco-friendly technologies and promote efficiency in the key energy sector.

“To help industrialists generate their own electricity, Satba has sped up the issuance of licenses to permit industrial units to harness renewable energy,” he said.

“Eight industrial units, which are mostly located in cement, steel and petrochemical facilities are now allowed to set up solar and wind farms with a capacity of 2,314 megawatts.” 

Giving a breakdown, Tavakkoli said that of the total capacity, solar and wind power plants will account for 1,877 MW and 400 MW respectively and the rest is expected to be biomass systems.

“Licenses to build nine more renewable power stations with a capacity of 1,062 MW will be granted to other industrial companies in the near future,” he added.



Peak Demand 

As per the contract between the state-run Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) and industrialists, the former is obliged to help all industrial units set up solar or wind farms, with stable power all year round, especially during peak demand hours in June and July.

Manufacturing, fabrication and distribution environments can offload a considerable amount of their energy expenditure to renewable energies. Opportunities include lighting and climate control systems, material heating and cooling processes and chemical and petrochemical refinement systems.

Investing in clean, on-site power technologies will go a long way in saving energy and money.

"All equipment used in renewable power plants is manufactured domestically. Nonetheless, power plant owners can choose between Iranian and foreign-made parts," he said, noting that the policy should encourage domestic factories operate in a competitive environment and keep pace with international standards.

The US sanctions cannot stop expansion of solar and wind power plants because parts required for setting up such units are designed and manufactured by companies in Mashhad, Tehran and Shiraz.

As representatives of Satba, power distribution companies guarantee the purchase of renewable electricity, which is a major incentive to boost investments in renewables, he said.

According to Mohammad Javad Mousavi, the deputy head of the Iranian Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers Association, major breakthroughs have been made in storing solar power in batteries and concerns regarding fluctuations in power output are gradually being removed.



Photovoltaic Power

Investments in photovoltaic power projects can have several advantages for industries, especially steel mills, one of which is that a 10-megawatt solar farm can become operational in four months, the official said.

The construction of renewable plants requires much less funding than building thermal power stations, the smallest of which costs $3 billion and they will take a minimum three years to be synchronized with the national power grid while steel factories need to cover the power deficit in the shortest possible time.

Based on data from the Energy Ministry and Tavanir, the current gap of 10,000 megawatts between consumption and supply will keep widening in the coming years and the National Iranian Gas Company has announced that gas output will not increase over the next two years.

Solar energy is here to stay. It has already changed the power industry, its business model and the way electricity is delivered to the grid. There are many opportunities for businesses to take advantage of industrial-scale solar energy generation.

Due to the characteristics of this type of installation, solar panels are easier to install. This is another reason to enjoy the advantages of solar energy, especially if the industrial facilities are located in an area with good weather conditions that allow a good extraction of this type of energy.