
3,000 Small-Scale Solar Systems to Be Installed in Ardabil

3,000 Small-Scale Solar Systems to Be Installed in Ardabil
3,000 Small-Scale Solar Systems to Be Installed in Ardabil

A total of 3,000 small-scale solar systems will be built in Ardabil Province, said the director general of Small-Scale Systems Development Department at Iran's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (Satba).
“In the project that seeks to create sustainable employment for the less fortunate, 3,000 5-kilowatt solar power stations will be installed across the northwestern province,” Jafar Mohammadnejad Sigaroudi was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.
Avoiding the use of fossil fuels, helping preserve the environment, saving water consumption, removing deprivation, supporting domestic construction and developing clean energy are among the advantages of the program.


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