
Gas Supply to Ilam Industries Continues

Gas Supply to Ilam Industries Continues
Gas Supply to Ilam Industries Continues

More than 28 industrial and production units in urban and rural areas of Ilam Province were supplied with natural gas during spring, the head of Ilam Gas Company said.
“About 1,600 meters of gas distribution network and a metering station were installed to supply gas to the industrial and production units in this period,” the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana also quoted Mahmoud Keshavarz as saying.
Gas metering stations are located along gas distribution and transmission networks. These stations allow pipeline operators and local distribution companies to monitor, manage and account for the natural gas flowing through the network.
“By supplying gas to 28 industries, 1,157 cubic meters per hour of gas have been replaced by liquid fuels. The measure has helped save consumption of 3 million liters of liquid fuels,” the official said.


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