
Khorasan Razavi Qanats Crying for Restoration

Khorasan Razavi Qanats Crying for Restoration
Khorasan Razavi Qanats Crying for Restoration

The death of qanats (aqueducts) in Khorasan Razavi Province’s counties has accelerated due to the drilling of deep wells, both legal and illegal, the head of Gonabad Qasabeh Qanat World Heritage Center said.
“There are 7,000 qanats in the province, of which 40% or 2,800 are dry and the number of unusable qanats is on the rise as there in no funding for restoration projects,” Rasoul Senobari was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
The length of subterranean infrastructure in the area extends over 13,000 kilometers, of which 7,000 km have been rehabilitated over the last four decades with the help of the local people and not the government, he added.


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