
National Petrochemical Company Output Higher Than Nat’l Average

National Petrochemical Company Output Higher Than Nat’l Average
National Petrochemical Company Output Higher Than Nat’l Average

According to a report by the National Petrochemical Company, petrochemical complexes across the country average 85% of their production capacity, while Nouri Petrochemical Company’s output in the last Iranian year (March 2021-22) was 103% of the nominal capacity, the latter’s managing director said.
“With an output 13% higher than the national average, the company produced 4.6 million tons of various products last year,” Taqi Sanei was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
The uptrend in production has continued and since the beginning of the current fiscal year (March 21), the company has produced 106% of its installed capacity, he added.


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