
Leachate Polluting Groundwater Tables in Gilan Province

Leachate Polluting Groundwater Tables in Gilan Province
Leachate Polluting Groundwater Tables in Gilan Province

Due to poor and underdeveloped garbage disposal and wastewater collection infrastructure in northern Gilan Province, leachate from landfills leaks into groundwater aquifers and paddy fields, a lawmaker from the region said.
“The inflow of massive leachate into groundwater tables and farmlands is a growing concern that needs to be addressed either by setting up waste incineration plants or building compost factories,” Hassan Mohammadyari was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
Close to 90% of water demand in the region are met from underground resources and failing to efficiently stop leakages of garbage will contaminate underground water tables and endanger the health of at least 3 million people, he added.
Mohammadyari noted that forests, lakes and coastlines in the province have long been suffering from poor waste management for a long time, adding that all kinds of trash are dumped in Nature, thanks to outdated and unsanitary methods used by municipalities.


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