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South Pars Indigenizes More Equipment

A total of 19 widely used equipment in South Pars Gas Field platforms will be indigenized by the end of October.

Of the total projects to manufacture the parts inside the country, seven projects will be completed next month and the rest will be done by November, the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana reported.

Last year, nine indigenization projects were carried out with the help of local manufacturers and knowledge-based companies, following which domestic equipment were 70% cheaper than their foreign ones.

According to the latest report, over 80% of the equipment at South Pars Gas Complex are manufactured with indigenous knowhow.

South Pars, which Iran shares with Qatar in the Persian Gulf waters, is developed in 24 offshore phases, the output of which is processed by 14 gas onshore refineries.

South Pars covers an area of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square kilometers of which are in Iran’s territorial waters and the remaining 6,000 square kilometers, called North Dome, are situated in Qatar’s territorial waters.

The field is estimated to contain a significant amount of natural gas, accounting for about 8% of the world’s reserves, and approximately 18 billion barrels of condensate.