
Petrochemical Revenues to Reach $27 Billion by March 2023

Petrochemical Revenues to Reach $27 Billion by March 2023
Petrochemical Revenues to Reach $27 Billion by March 2023

The total revenues of Iran’s petrochemical industry will increase by $4 billion compared to last Iranian year (March 2021-22) and reach $27 billion by the end of the current fiscal year (March 2023), the National Petrochemical Company’s director for planning and development said.
“This year, petrochemical feedstock will increase and 5 million tons will be added to the production capacity of the petrochemical industry. The annual output is expected to reach 80 million tons and this will help raise the exports, which in turn will lead to higher revenues,” Hassan Abbaszadeh was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
The official noted that last year, the gas feed capacity of petrochemical complexes was equal to 98 million cubic meters per day, which will increase this year to help raise output.


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