
Lack of Feedstock Hindering Energy Value Chain Completion

Petrochem industry in Iran has long been suffering from a lack of feedstock, while 15 billion cubic meters of natural gas are flared annually
Lack of Feedstock Hindering Energy Value Chain Completion
Lack of Feedstock Hindering Energy Value Chain Completion

Gas refineries and petrochemical plants across Iran are operating at half their capacity due to lack of feedstock, deputy oil minister for planning and supervision of hydrocarbon resources said.
“Iran holds 33 trillion cubic meters of the world’s natural gas resources. Regretfully, most petrochem firms and gas processing facilities, including the Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refinery in southern Khuzestan Province, have problem completing the value chain of their products,” Sajjad Khalili was also quoted as saying by IRNA. 
About 40 million cubic meters per day are being flared in Iran mainly from the oilfields of Khuzestan Province, as the National Iranian Oil Company needs massive investments to collect associated petroleum gas.


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