
Qanat Restoration Operations on Track in South Khorasan Province

Qanat Restoration Operations on Track in South Khorasan Province
Qanat Restoration Operations on Track in South Khorasan Province

Close to $60 million are needed to rehabilitate 7,000 qanats in the dry South Khorasan Province, the head of Water Affairs Department of Agricultural Organization said.
“Of the total fund, $10 million have been allocated to recondition 290 qanats that extend over 70 kilometers,” Akbar Mohammadi was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
The dry region’s annual demand for water in the agro sector amounts to 800 million cubic meters, of which 570 mcm are extracted from 2,000 wells, 200 mcm from qanats and the rest are supplied from springs, he added.


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