
Water Level in Dams Down 13%

Since the beginning of the current water year (Sept. 2021), 19.5 billion cubic meters of water have entered dams, down 5% compared to the same period of a year ago
Water Level in Dams Down 13%
Water Level in Dams Down 13%

Water stored in dams across Iran has reached 25 billion cubic meters, which are 13% less compared with last year’s level.
The overall capacity of dams is 50 billion cubic meters while water levels have currently reached 51%, the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven reported. 
Since the beginning of the current water year (Sept. 2021), 19.5 billion cubic meters of water have entered dams, down 5% compared with the same period of a year ago. 
Water outflow from dams has reached 13 bcm during the same period, he added.


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