
Norouz Gasoline Use Rises 30%

Iran can become a net importer of gasoline and gasoil within two years if domestic consumption continues to rise at current rates
Norouz Gasoline Use Rises 30%
Norouz Gasoline Use Rises 30%

From March 19, two days before the beginning of the Norouz (Iranian New Year) holiday season, until its end on April 3, on average 112 million liters of gasoline were consumed every day across Iran, managing director of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company said. 
“This year’s consumption shows an increase of 30% compared with the same period of last year when motorists burned 87 million liters of gasoline,” Keramat Veis-Karami was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
“One of the most important reasons regarding the rise in the fuel consumption is the increase in the number of trips people made during the holidays,” he added.


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