
No Concerns Over Norouz Gasoline Supply: NIORDC

No Concerns Over Norouz Gasoline Supply: NIORDC
No Concerns Over Norouz Gasoline Supply: NIORDC

Although daily gasoline consumption in Iran has exceeded 100 million liters since March 16, there are no worries regarding the fuel supply during the Norouz (Iranian New Year) holiday season when families travel across the country, director of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company, a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil company, said.
“NIORDC produces 105 million liters of gasoline per day and even if consumption rises further, there will be no concerns as enough fuel has been stored for the next two weeks,” Jalil Salari was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news portal.
The official noted that the company has sold close to 730 million liters of gasoline since March 2021, which is about 2 million liters per day, but exports will be suspended for the next 14 days to keep stocks full to meet rising domestic demand.


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