
Private Sector Dispute With NDFI Unresolved

Private Sector Dispute With NDFI Unresolved
Private Sector Dispute With NDFI Unresolved

Private power producers who built plants with loans from the National Development Fund of Iran (the sovereign wealth fund), are unable to repay their debts, managing director of Iran’s Thermal Power Plants Holding Company said.
“Private sector electricity producers owe $5 billion to NDFI and they cannot settle their debt not only due to the unprecedented volatility in the currency market over the last six years but also because of unclear laws,” Bargh News also quoted Mohsen Tarztalab as saying.
Following the government’s appeals in 2014 to private firms to play a bigger role in the power production sector, NDFI gave between $200 million and $350 million to several private companies to build thermal power stations, he added. 


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