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Bandar Abbas Power Plant Indigenizes 90 Percent of Parts, Equipment

Bandar Abbas Power Plant in Hormozgan Province was built by the Italian company Franco Tosi and until recently 100% of its equipment were imported, managing director of the plant said.

“However, with the help of knowledge-based companies and efforts of Iranian engineers, 90% of the parts and equipment used in the plant are now manufactured inside the country,” Hossein Salimi added.

Constructed in 1980, the power station is now 42 years old and since it has been operating for over four decades, its parts need repairs or replacement.

“In the last two years, we were able to increase the power plant’s output by 150 megawatts,” he was also quoted as saying by ISNA.

The power station has four steam units and two gas units with a total capacity of 1,320 MW. It is the largest power plant in the south and southeast of the country. It plays a significant role in stabilizing the national electricity network and supplying power to the province.

Franco Tosi is an Italian engineering business currently focused on the production of turbines, boilers, heat exchangers and pumps. It is located in Legnano near Milan. 

Twenty parts used in the power plant were indigenized in the first two months of the current Iranian year (March 21-May 21, 2021).

“By relying on existing potentials and using local engineers and experts, we have been able to improve the quality of repair and maintenance, and do it in the shortest possible time,” Salimi said.

The steam units of Bandar Abbas Power Plant were supplied by Italy in the past and 100% of related equipment were imported.

However, in recent years, relying on the potentials of domestic manufacturers, the need to supply foreign parts in the power plant has decreased to 10% and in the near future, all the equipment will be built inside the country.



Increasing Efficiency

Salimi also said that there are plans to renovate the power plant. 

“We have signed a memorandum of understanding with MAPNA to modernize Bandar Abbas Power Plant and increase its efficiency. The details of the MoU will be published in the future. At present, the efficiency of the power station is 34% but we are trying to increase the figure to 38%,” he added.

The energy and infrastructure conglomerate MAPNA has signed a contract with the Thermal Power Plants Holding Company, a subsidiary of Energy Ministry, for the construction of 5,000 MW of thermal power plants by 2024 using F-class gas turbines made inside the country to improve efficiency and reduce electricity waste.

F-class gas turbines are defined by high performance, low power generation costs, long intervals between inspections and a service-friendly design. Optimized flow and cooling add up to high efficiency and economically viable power generation in combined cycle applications.

Thermal power plants in Hormozgan Province have an installed capacity of over 44,000 MW, of which 1,800 MW became operational over the last seven years.

Power plants in the province are using indigenous parts and equipment made by domestic manufacturers.

Iran has an installed capacity of 85,000 MW. Thermal units either use steam, gas-powered or combined-cycle turbines, and account for 66,000 MW of the total electricity output.