
New Combined-Cycle Plant Will Help Increase Power Supply in Southeast

New Combined-Cycle Plant Will Help Increase Power Supply in Southeast
New Combined-Cycle Plant Will Help Increase Power Supply in Southeast

The first unit of the new Zarand Combined-Cycle Power Plant in Kerman Province with a capacity of 162 megawatts will be connected to the national grid in April, director of the power project at Thermal Power Plants Holding Company said.
“The power station is being constructed on a 52-hectare land, 20 km from Zarand City, near Aliabad Village. It will have two gas units and one steam unit with a total capacity of 484 MW,” Mahmoud Sadeqi was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.
“The second unit will come on stream in June and the steam unit will become operational later,” he added.


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