
Imprudent Power Consumption in Iran Stems From Three Fallacies

As long as subsidies are not removed and prices are not real, boosting the production of electricity or other forms of energy will not solve the burgeoning problem of high consumption and waste
Imprudent Power Consumption in Iran Stems From Three Fallacies
Imprudent Power Consumption in Iran Stems From Three Fallacies

Iran is an energy-rich country possessing 11% of global oil reserves and 15% of the world’s natural gas reserves. 
Ranked 11th in the world in terms of oil processing capacity, it is the ninth and 13th biggest producer of gasoline and diesel respectively. 
Regarding hydroelectric power capacity, Iran ranks 19th in the world and sixth in Asia. With an installed capacity of 65 gigawatts, Iran ranks ninth in terms of thermal power capacity in the world, the Energy Ministry’s news portal reported.
Nevertheless, Iran’s rapidly growing power consumption has raised concerns not only about the country’s ability to continue to meet the rising domestic demand but also its capability to export electricity in the next decade. 


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