
$100 Million Needed to Develop Gas Pump Vapor Recovery Systems

$100 Million Needed to Develop Gas Pump Vapor Recovery Systems
$100 Million Needed to Develop Gas Pump Vapor Recovery Systems

Completing the second phase of a plan to recover gasoline vapor at pumps has been delayed for the last two years due to financial constraints, the head of Gas Stations’ Guild Union said.
“The development of Phase II of the project, which entails the installation of special fuel dispensing nozzles at pumps, requires an investment of at least $100 million that filling stations’ owners cannot afford,” Asadollah Qolizadeh was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
Filling stations have spent close to $10 million on purchasing disinfectants and sanitizers to fight the Covid-19 pandemic in the last two years and to complete the development project, they should invest as much money as they earn in a year, which makes no economic sense, he added.


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