
Bushehr NPP Helps Save 10 Million Barrels of Crude p.a.

Bushehr NPP Helps Save 10 Million Barrels of Crude p.a.
Bushehr NPP Helps Save 10 Million Barrels of Crude p.a.

The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in the southern namesake city has helped Iran save and export 90 million barrels of oil over the past nine years, a deputy at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said.
“The facility generates close to 6 billion kilowatt hours of power annually and producing the same amount of electricity in a thermal power station needs at least 2 billion cubic meters of gas or 10 million barrels of crude per annum,” Mahmoud Jafari was also quoted as saying by Barq News.
The nuclear power plant has helped avoid the emission of 42 million tons of CO2 in the nine years, he added.


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