
NIDC’s 1st Mobile Oil Treater Unveiled

NIDC’s 1st Mobile Oil Treater Unveiled
NIDC’s 1st Mobile Oil Treater Unveiled

The first mobile oil treater of the National Iranian Drilling Company was unveiled on the first day of the 12th Ahvaz Specialized Exhibition of Oil and Petroleum Industry Equipment on Sunday in Ahvaz, Khuzestan Province.
The unit can be installed on four semi-trailer trucks and moved to oil wells in the shortest possible time, the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana reported.
MOT is a mobile device utilized in oil wells. It is used for eliminating acid, gas, water, salt, sand and silt from crude oil and pumping it to the pipeline during the drilling, repairing, acidizing and testing oil wells, instead of burning it due to its initial undesirable composition.


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