
Wastewater Treatment Expanding in Yazd, Isfahan

Wastewater Treatment Expanding in Yazd, Isfahan
Wastewater Treatment Expanding in Yazd, Isfahan

Several wastewater treatment plants are under construction in Yazd Province and the sewerage system in the central desert province is being expanded so that upon the completion of those projects, 43% of the urban population in Yazd will be connected to the wastewater network.
The treated wastewater is of high quality and suitable for consumption in a wide range of industries and production units as well as farmlands, director of environment and water resources quality at Yazd Regional Water Company said.
“Years of drought, together with over-extraction from groundwater resources, have significantly reduced the level of water in the underground reservoirs and also negatively affected its quality. This is while the treated wastewater is always available and its quality is almost constant,” Nahid Gholamnejad was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.


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