
Boosting Efficiency of Power Plants Can Help NIOC Earn $4b p.a.

Boosting Efficiency of Power Plants Can Help NIOC Earn $4b p.a.
Boosting Efficiency of Power Plants Can Help NIOC Earn $4b p.a.

Boosting the efficiency of thermal power plants by 5% can help reduce the consumption of liquefied fuel, including mazut and diesel, by 13 million liters per day, the export of which can help earn $4 billion per annum for the National Iranian Oil Company.
Based on information released by oil and energy ministries, power stations’ daily consumption of natural gas as feedstock is close to 200 cubic meters.
However, owing to the lack of gas in the cold season (mainly between November and March) when households account for the lion’s share of gas use (650 mcm/d), power plants have to burn at least 100 million liters of mazut and diesel per day, otherwise widespread outages become inevitable.


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