
Iran Ready to Boost Gas Swap With Neighboring Countries

Iran Ready to Boost Gas Swap With Neighboring Countries
Iran Ready to Boost Gas Swap With Neighboring Countries

Iran has the infrastructure for increasing gas import and swap with neighboring countries to 40 million cubic meters per day, or 15 billion cubic meters per year, the oil minister said.
Javad Owji made the statement after a meeting with Turkmenistan’s visiting Vice President Serdar Gurbanguliyevich Berdimuhamedow and Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov in Tehran on Saturday, ISNA reported.
Iran has started transferring 5 mcm of natural gas per day (2 bcm per year) of Turkmenistan, located to the east of the Caspian Sea, to Azerbaijan, on the western side of the sea, based on a trilateral agreement reached last November.


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