
Isfahan Woes Worsened by Illegal Water Wells, Land Subsidence

Isfahan Woes Worsened by Illegal Water Wells, Land Subsidence
Isfahan Woes Worsened by Illegal Water Wells, Land Subsidence

In the past 16 years, a total of 7,635 unauthorized water wells have been sealed in Isfahan Province, which helped save over 215 million cubic meters of water a year in the dry region, deputy of conservation and operations at the Isfahan Regional Water Company said.
“Only since the beginning of the current Iranian year, 448 illegal wells have been sealed,” Mahmoud Chitian said. “In order to protect the existing groundwater resources, 2,705 smart meters have been installed in the province so far,” Mehr News Agency quoted him as saying.
A smart electricity meter digitally sends meter readings to energy suppliers and ensures accurate billing. Smart meters also come with monitors so that users can see and better understand their consumption.


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