
Generation Capacity of Thermal Power Plants Reaches 70,000 MW

Generation Capacity of Thermal Power Plants Reaches 70,000 MW
Generation Capacity of Thermal Power Plants Reaches 70,000 MW

With the synchronization of the second steam unit of the Urmia Combined Cycle Power Station with the grid, the capacity of Iran's thermal power plants has reached 70,000 megawatts, the head of Iran's Thermal Power Plants Holding Company said.
“Since September, about 1,000 MW of new steam and gas units have been connected to the national electricity network. They include the gas units of Hengam and Iran LNG power plants and the steam units of Jahrom, Harris and Urmia power stations,” Mohsen Tarztalab was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.
“So far, 587 steam and gas units have been built in 129 thermal power plants in the country,” he said, adding that with the launch of the Urmia Power Plant, the number of thermal units owned by the private sector and industries has reached 383 units, with a total capacity of more than 47,000 MW.


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