
Operations to Recover Flare Gas Launched in Asalouyeh

Estimated to cost $3.37 million, the project will prevent the emission of 30,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and have a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gases
Operations to Recover Flare Gas Launched in Asalouyeh
Operations to Recover Flare Gas Launched in Asalouyeh

The executive operations of the project to recover flare gas have been launched at Zagros Petrochemical Company in Asalouyeh, Bushehr Province, on Thursday.
Estimated to cost $3.37 million, the project will prevent the emission of 30,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and have a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gases, managing director of the company said.
Greenhouse gases are capable of trapping the earth's emitted radiation, which otherwise escapes back into space. The primary greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.


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