
JPC Unveils New Polyethylene Grade

JPC Unveils New Polyethylene Grade
JPC Unveils New Polyethylene Grade

Jam Petrochemical Company in southern Iran has produced a new grade of polyethylene that will cut down the import of one of the world's most popular polymers used in producing pipes, the head of Downstream Petrochemical Sector Development Office, a subsidiary of the National Petrochemical Company, said.
“The new grade, CRP100 Black, has a wide variety of applications, one of which is manufacturing corrosion and fatigue-resistant pipes,” Mohammad Mottaqi was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
This grade of polyethylene will help meet water companies and natural gas firms’ need for special pipes that are not only more durable and ductile, but also more eco-friendly than steel pipes, he added.


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