
New SPM Buoy to Boost SP Exports

The latest SPM buoy is the fourth installed in the giant gas field and has a loading capacity of 7,000 cubic meters per hour, or 170,000 cm/d
New SPM Buoy to Boost SP Exports
New SPM Buoy to Boost SP Exports

A new single point mooring (SPM) system has become operational off the coast of Kangan County in southern Bushehr Province to boost gas condensate loading capacity and exports via large vessels, the manager of South Pars Gas Field Phase 19 said. 
"Very large crude carriers with a capacity to haul up to 320,000 tons can now anchor at the SPM buoy off the coast of Kangan to load condensates and do not need to berth at Bushehr gas export terminal," Hossein Azimi was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news service Shana.
Gas condensate is a liquid hydrocarbon that forms in association with natural gas. Although it is extracted from gas fields, condensate is typically classified and marketed as a type of sweet, ultra-light crude oil.


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