
Naft-Shahr Oilfield Development Project Makes 75% Progress

Naft-Shahr Oilfield Development Project Makes 75% Progress
Naft-Shahr Oilfield Development Project Makes 75% Progress

Naft-Shahr Oilfield development project has made 75% progress and is in its final stages, portfolio manager at Iranian Central Oilfields Company said.
“The project includes drilling one development as well as four workover wells in the field, which is a challenging and risky move because of its reservoir complexity, gas density and formation fractures,” Parviz Salehvand was quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
The official, who is also in charge of maintenance projects and increasing production of Sa’adatabad, Danan and Dehloran oilfields in the ICOFC, added that Naft-Shahr Oilfield development project started two years ago and is expected to complete by March 2022 at $30 million.
Naft-Shahr is a district of Qasr-e Shirin County in Kermanshah Province known for its oilfield. English explorers discovered oil in Naft-Shahr for the first time in 1931. 
The only active oilfield in Kermanshah Province has an estimated oil reserve of 692 million barrels.
Its oilfield is located 72 km south of Qasr-e Shirin and 230 km southwest of Kermanshah. It is a joint field between Iran and Iraq, and provides a portion of Kermanshah's refinery feed. 
According to the statistics, the field holds a total of 692 million barrels of crude oil reserves as well as some natural gas.

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